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Light Installation 6, LI6
20″X20″, Mixed Media Installation

Light Installations CODE are innovative acrylic light boxes with double look ā€“ day abstract look and night look with the lights coming within. The night look has an option to set the mood with 16 million of colors controlled by phone app. So with the purchase of one art piece the collector receives an unique multiple look, multiple colors and shades, adjusted brightness, speed adjustment for color change, multiple color combinations flashing. Additionally, by interacting with art piece, a customer sets up the positive mood by manipulating with light and color, influencing his emotions and enhancing the life moment.

The artist features an eight-point star, one of the most important elements in the ethnic studies and folk patterns in many world cultures. Formed by superimposing a straight cross (symbol masculinity and the Sun), and an oblique cross (symbol of femininity and the Moon); the joining of these two entities naturally gives life.
